Jumbo Broiler Drinker – Classic (Auto)

Code : JDC

Jumbo Drinkers provides excellent water distribution for growers. Drinker have a filter which ensures continuous supply of clean water. Water level in the drinkers can be easily adjusted by twisting water level. Jumbo Drinker has been specially designed for breeders to give more trough space. It also prevents waters spurting an the floor resulting in less wetting of litter. Jumbo Drinkers are also best suited for commercial Broiler growing operations. Water level in the drinker can be easily adjusted by twisting the water level adjusting bush and the height of the drinker can be changed by the help of height adjuster. The ballast is totally independent of bell and valve mechanism and eliminates the wear on the spring and valve mechanism to provided trouble free performance.

Salient Features
  • Very easy to operate
  • Very less components
  • As the spring does not contact with the water, it works well even when peroxide sanitizers are administered in the water
  • Special exit system in the valve give instant water on demand
  • No metallic contact of the water from the tank to the birds gives a hygienic water to the birds
  • Special extended ballast prevents the birds sitting under the drinker

Recommended For Grower & Breeder Birds

Cap. Of Birds50-60
Water CapacityAutomatic water filling
Water Mechanism2 Spring, 3 Rubber Washer
AccessoriesT Nipple, Hook, Clamp, Rope